A thriller set in Wales.
Renowned writer Raymond Turner is mysteriously blown up on his boat. DT Mitchell, a reporter on a local Swansea newspaper, is sent to investigate and unearths a web of deceit and cover-ups involving the mysterious deaths of children on the Gower peninsula in Wales.
And a conspiracy to cover up a potential national disaster.
1) DT's life is dogged by alcohol abuse, a messy divorce and career frustration. However, she is reinvigorated with this assignment…
2) Jenny's hanging is an open and shut case of suicide - she had a hundred motives. But that doesn't convince journalist Dee Mitchell.
3) Journalist Dee Mitchell is now investigating three deaths, not one. But the official story is always "no suspicious circumstances."
4) A man who is meant to be dead phones and insists on a meeting.
5) Journalist Dee Mitchell has found the boy who fled the night she found Jenny's hanged body. But will terror stop him talking?
6) Now Alex's predictions of death have proved true will anyone take up Dee's quest for justice?
DT Mitchell …. Alison Steadman
Conrad De’Ath …. Bill Stewart
Thomas …. Alan Towner
Geraint …. Robin Griffith
Ieuan …. Robert Pugh
Alex …. Leslie Rooney
Turner …. Tony Leader
Jenny …. Ruth Jones
Charlene …. Louise Holland
Richard …. Ian Targett
Coastguard …. Rhodri Hugh
Beth....Sue Jones-Davies
Nurse....Marie Phillips
Smith....Ivor Roberts
Gary....Andrew Wincott
Tina....Gudrun Ure
Rachel....Helen Griffin
Turner....Tony Leader
Press Officer....Stacey Jefferson
Landlord....Brendan Charleson
Olwen....Pam Hopkins
Mrs Mitchell....Lawmary Champion
Barry Jones....Laurence Allan
Coroner....Dillwyn Owen
Detective....Gary Llywelyn
Music by Laurie Scott Baker
Directed in Wales by Jane Dauncey.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1992.
Each episode under 30 minutes, Size 27MB. Bitrate 128kbps
Thank you for uploading this
This was on Radio 4 when I first started to got into audio drama - there was a Thursday night slot at 11pm that was typically a crime or sci fi drama. This would have been early 90s. I'm pretty sure that the famous adaptation of Dracula that Radio 4 did was originally broadcast in that slot.
Back before such things were easily available, and before the internet - I once came back early from a holiday, to record the final episode of Paul Temple and the Spencer Affair.
I also clearly remember "Burnt" & (the brilliant!) "Only The Good Die Young" from the same time.
Thanks William!
Hi David.
Many thanks for your reply.
It got me searching Times Past for "Burnt" and "Only the Good Die Young".
I could not find them.
I have recordings of them on my hard drives at 64kbps. I may have them at 128kbps on DVD.
Will see if I can find them and then post them to the website shortly.
My Only the Good die young is in stereo by it is at 48kbit/s
Please Mike if you could share - that would be great! :)
Thank you!
Thanks, William. This looks exciting!
Thank you!