What Did I Say? by Mark Lawson

When Max Coleman is suspended from work for the alleged verbal abuse of a colleague, he hasn't the faintest idea what he might have said.


When he finally meets his accuser at the tribunal and hears how an historical allusion has been misunderstood, his attempts at self-justification are derailed by the fact that none of his superiors has sufficient education to understand what he is talking about.


Max Coleman...... Neil Pearson
Juliet Coleman...... Amy Marston
Chubbs...... Piers Wehner
Tom Neades...... Chris McHallem
Susan Brogan...... Aine McCartney
Alice Irvine...... Tessa Nicholson

Directed by Eoin O'Callaghan.


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  • Thank You much, it sounds very interesting.  ------------------------  R

  • Sounds like fun.  Thanks

    BTW - this is an Afternoon Play from Dec 30, 2009

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