
  • Where are you finding these SNT, I did have this but under sworn to secrecy rules of sharing!!!

    Great stuff indeed

    Paul Hudson

    • I really detest those who offer pieces "under secrecy" or similar BS. It's not their work to begin with.

      I can understand it where the material was PAID for, but where it is simply a recording OTA of FREE material, the demand is offensive.

      I've actually declined such offers.

      Information should be free.

    • DITTO!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Quite understand your points but thought it better to have and share in the future than not have it to share ever. I should have said not share by putting on the internet.


    • Hi Paul,

      Things are changing now that collectors are giving "Lost" shows back to The Beeb.  ---------------  Rick

  • A fill for the collection!

    Thank you, sir.

  • thanks...

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