Tragical Comedy or Comical Tragedy of Mr Punch (BBC R3)

by Neil Gaiman

192K - 1 RAR file
Adapted by Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean
Music by Ashley Slater and Dave McKean
Directed by Lu Kemp

A boy, who became obsessed with a Punch and Judy
show, experiences parallels between his family life
and events in the violent puppet show.

Mr Punch - Geoff Felix
Narrator - Richard Dillane
Swatchell - Alexander Morton
Grandmother - Susan Jameson
Grandfather - Hugh Dickson
Father - Stuart McLoughlin
Mermaid - Rachel Atkins
Sister - Frankie Dean
Morton - Karl Johnson

Mr Punch LINK

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  • You're a very very nice man, Rick! Thank you 

  • Interesting! Thanks very much, Rick.


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