The Illuminations by Andrew O'Hagan

By Andrew O'Hagan, abridged by Sian Preece

Andrew O'Hagan's novel follows 82-year old Anne Quirk, a forgotten pioneer of documentary photography who lives in sheltered housing on the west coast of Scotland. A planned retrospective stirs long-buried memories and leads her grandson to uncover the tragedy in her past which has defined three generations.

1/10 Anne Quirk is growing forgetful, until a ceramic rabbit stirs long-buried memories.

2/10 As Anne's memory unravels in Scotland, her grandson Luke toils in the heat of Afghanistan.

3/10 Luke's platoon are in danger. Back in Scotland, Anne remembers her past as a photographer.

4/10 Anne's obsession with her ceramic rabbit has been noticed at the sheltered housing complex.

5/10 Luke feels unsure when the soldiers go sightseeing, and Anne's art is finally recognised.

6/10 As the Helmand mission begins, Luke is worried about his commanding officer Scullion.

7/10 After witnessing Major Scullion's horrific battlefield injuries, Luke has left the army.

8/10 Luke plans a trip to Blackpool in search of his grandmother's missing photographs.

9/10 Anne is on the way to Blackpool with her grandson Luke, who is in search of answers.

10/10 In Blackpool, Luke finds Anne's archive and discovers why she abandoned photography.

Reader : Maureen Beattie

Produced by Eilidh McCreadie.

1 zipped File containing 10 episodes, each 14 minutes long, encoded at 128kbps


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  • Thanks, William! You're keeping me entertained!!

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