The Henry Experiment by Sophie Radice

By Sophie Radice, Adapted for radio by Charlotte Jones.

A mother fears that a child parenting expert is endangering his own seven-year-old son, Henry, by testing out his theories of early independence on him.


When Anna finds a boy alone and barefoot on Hampstead Heath, she accompanies him home for his own safety. But she is horrified to discover that he was left there on purpose to develop his independence, by his father, the famous parenting expert Professor Horace Henderson.

This thriller asks whether our society bubble-wraps children, whether we have the right to interfere in other people’s children’s lives and how we become parents with the spectres of our own childhoods still looming over our shoulders.


Anna.........Emma Fielding

Henderson.........Matthew Marsh

Henry.........Finn Monteath

Mother.........Elaine Claxton

David.........Ian Conningham

Jason.........Paul Heath

Policewoman.........Hannah Genesius

Produced by Liz Webb for the BBC!ArrWZcg2lV80hk4l_daFyP5Og1Lf

Size 63 MB, Length 68 minutes, Bitrate 128kbps

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  • And thank you from me!

  • Thanks, William....

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