The Electrical Venus by Julie Mayhew

May 1749. Grainger's travelling fair develops an astonishing new act, care of Sebastian Fox and his 'electrickery' in a play by Julie Mayhew.


In the courtyard of a country tavern, Mr Francis P Grainger displays the wonders of his menagerie - animal and human.


Mim is the illegitimate daughter of an aristocratic lady and her black slave, and she's been raised by Grainger since she was a baby. But now her mistress, Hildy 'the Hog-Faced Lady', has run away to London, Mim needs to find her own act.


Mim .........Hannah John-Kamen

Alex .........Arthur Hughes

Fox .........Mark Edel-Hunt

Grainger .........Michael Bertenshaw

Lizzie .........Jane Slavin

Abel .........Peter Burroughs

Old Joe/Count .........David Cann

Sound design by Caleb Knightley

Produced & Directed by Emma Harding

Size 40MB. Length 44 Minutes. Bitrate 128kbps


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  • And a big thank you again!

  • Thanks, William!

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