Sometime in the beginning of 2012 The Woman's Hour Drama was renamed The 15 Minute Drama - anyway - @ the link below organised in sub folders by year - you will find lots of exciting funny and powerful radio plays. Some of my picks with dates of first episodes are

The Dead Hour 2009 -10 -19  truly scary with breat taking ending

The Pillow Book - 4 series




2011-10-31 (this last replicates in raudio form the visually stunning endings of several Kurosawa films)

The Whole Of The Moon  - 2 series - worthy of Hitchcock

2008 - 09 - 29

2919 - 02 - 1 5



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  • Youre Welcome All ^_^

  • Can't wait to  give these a listen...thanks !

  • Thank You Reuben, I will look through the volumes of goodies when I get a chance.  I will be off line for about a day and a half  starting about midnight tonight I think.  I am changing over the my internet to a faster one but in changing companies on all my services, phone, TV and internet from one provider to 3 I have a lag between shut off and getting the internet service.  I will probably get to these on Wednesday.  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Rick

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