Six Characters In Search Of An Author
By Luigi Pirandello
SNT 2.5.1987
Charles Gray/Yvonne Bryceland/Emrys James/Cherie Lunghi
Only 32K but sound is quite good for the bitrate

Six Characters in Search of an Author (Italian: Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore) is a 1921 Italian play by Luigi Pirandello, first performed in that same year. An absurdist metatheatrical play about the relationship between authors, their characters, and theatre practitioners, it premiered at the Teatro Valle in Rome to a mixed reception, with shouts from the audience of "Manicomio!" ("Madhouse!"), though the reception improved at subsequent performances — helped when Pirandello provided for the play's third edition, published in 1925, a foreword clarifying its structure and ideas.

An acting company prepares to rehearse the play Il Gioco Delle Parti (The Rules of the Game) by Luigi Pirandello. As the rehearsal is about to begin the play is unexpectedly interrupted by the arrival of six strange people. The Director of the play, furious at the interruption, demands an explanation. The Father explains that they are unfinished characters in search of an author to finish their story. The Director initially believes them to be mad, but as they begin to argue amongst themselves and reveal details of their story he begins to listen. While he isn't an author, the Director agrees to stage their story despite the disbelief amongst the jeering actors.

Six Characters In Search Of An Author LINK

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  • And now for something completely different:

    Six Characters in Search of an Answer (Series One and Two)  in the Comedy forum and

    An Englishman In Search of a Tea Ceremony in the Documentary forum.

  • You're Welcome Bob.  ------------------------------------------------------------  Rick

  • Thanks. This is an excellent addition to my Classic Lit library!

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