
Was a drama series about corporate intrigue and behind-the-scenes maneuvering in the mining and financial sectors in Canada. It aired on CBC Radio One's Monday Playbill in 2000. The series starred Eric Peterson (formerly of CBC-TV's Street Legal series) as a mining analyst and Rosalind Birch (formerly of CBC-TV's Adderly) as the banker who forges the deals

The series consisted of 6, 30 minute, episodes. Each episode centered on one industry. These 3 episodes deal with gold, silver and uranium.

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  • I see that this is just half of the series but hope that each one is self contained, giving it a go - perhaps the others will turn up.

    Paul Hudson

  • Jimmy

    If this is incomplete or/and you are asking for the first 3 episodes it belongs in private requests, not here --- Rick (Admin)

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