Patrick O'Brian Jack Aubrey dramas

Two Classic Serial productions of his "Master and Commander" series. I know these have been added to the E-book Readers Group, but these are good BBC dramatisations. 

HMS Surprise

3 Episodes duration: 45 minutes each
First broadcast: Wednesday 08 October 2008

1/3. Naval battles, political intrigue and 
romantic rivalry are all to the fore in Patrick 
O'Brian's novel, set in 1804-5 in England, India 
and on the high seas. Captain Jack Aubrey 
engages the Spanish at sea and the French on land 
- but falls victim to enemies at home. Starring David Robb as 

Episode 2 of 3

Patrick O'Brian's novel, set in 1804-5 in
England, India and on the high seas, 
dramatised by Roger Danes. Jack Aubrey is 
ordered to convey a British ambassador to
the East Indies - but in Bombay Stephen 
Maturin meets Diana Villiers, the one woman Jack
would avoid at any cost. Starring David Robb as Aubrey and
Richard Dillane as Maturin

Episode 3 of 3

Final part of Patrick O'Brian's novel, 
set in 1804-5 in England, India and on the high 
seas, dramatised by Roger Danes. Tragedy halts 
the ship's mission to the East Indies. In Calcutta
Stephen makes a proposal of marriage and takes
part in a duel.

The Mauritius Command

3 Episodes Duration: 1 hour each

First broadcast: Sunday 03 April 2011

Patrick O'Brian's naval epic set in 1809, dramatised in three parts by Roger Danes. Starring David Robb as Captain Jack Aubrey and Richard Dillane as Doctor Stephen Maturin.

Following his adventures in HMS Surprise, Jack Aubrey has been kicking his heels at home when his old friend, Stephen Maturin, comes knocking at his door with welcome news. Jack is promoted to Commodore, and is to lead a squadron of English ships, charged with taking the Indian Ocean islands of Mauritius and Réunion from the French.

In the course of the novel Jack must succeed against superior odds at sea and on land. Yet, in his new role as Commodore, Jack will need subtlety and subterfuge to win over the crews and subordinate captains of his own fleet.

Based on a naval campaign in 1809-10 when Britain and France were bitterly engaged in protecting their trade routes around the southern tip of Africa.

The Mauritius Command is the fourth novel in Patrick O'Brian's Nelsonic epic series, and the sequel to HMS Surprise which was dramatised for Radio 4 in 2008.

Captain Jack Aubrey ................... DAVID ROBB
Doctor Stephen Maturin .......... ...RICHARD DILLANE
Governor Farquhar ..................... DAVID RINTOUL
Lt-Col Keating ............ .......THOMAS ARNOLD
Lord Clonfert................................ SAM DALE
Captain Corbett................. ....CHRISTIAN RODSKA
Lt Seymour ....................... ...MAX DOWLER
Midshipman George Johnson ....... NYASHA HATENDI
Dr McAdam/Admiral Bertie.......... .SEAN BAKER
Captain Pym............................... BRIAN BOWLES
Mrs. Williams ............................ JOANNA MONRO
Sophie....................................... SALLY ORROCK
Producer/director: Bruce Young 

Link to Patrick O'Brian dramas

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  • Thank you so much for these Star Eater..

    The quality is excellent and c'mon....who doesn't like a ripping yarn of the sea?

    Great stuff!!

    I wish there were more but all I can ever seem to find is readings nd they are simply not nearly as powerful.

    Thanks again

  • Thanks so much. always wanted to get a better sense of these stories, hinted at in the film.

  • 2473779937?profile=original

    Desolation Island
    By Patrick O'Brian [1978]
    Dramatised by Roger Danes.
    Classic Serial: 21 and 28 July 2013


    1 / 2. First broadcast: Sunday 21 July 2013
    August, 1811. Jack Aubrey sets sail for Australia in his new command, HMS Leopard. His mission - to transport a group of convicts to Botany Bay, including a woman, Louisa Wogan, who has been spying for the Americans. Stephen Maturin joins Jack once again as ship's surgeon - but his real mission is to watch Mrs Wogan. When a fever breaks out among the prisoners and crew, Jack decides to head for Recife - but he is pursued through the South Atlantic by a powerful Dutch warship.

    2 / 2. First broadcast: Sunday 28 July 2013
    Jack Aubrey is pursued through the South Atlantic by a powerful Dutch warship whose 74 guns threaten to blow HMS Leopard out of the water. As the Leopard tries to out-run the enemy, Jack and Stephen have to contend with a fever that lays waste to the crew and an unexpected childbirth. A confrontation with the Dutch ship leaves Jack seriously wounded - and a dangerous situation turns to disaster when his first officer takes command and runs the Leopard into an iceberg.

    Jack Aubrey ... David Robb
    Stephen Maturin ... Richard Dillane
    Louisa Wogan ... Teresa Gallagher
    Michael Herapath ... Samuel Barnett
    Lt Pullings ... David Holt
    Barratt Bonden ... Sam Dale
    Preserved Killick ... Jon Glover
    Lt Grant ... Jonathan Tafler
    Byron ... Nick Underwood
    Sir Joseph Blaine ... Michael Bertenshaw
    Peggy Barnes ... Hannah Wood
    Josiah Plaice ... Lloyd Thomas
    Jedediah Wilbey ... Gerard McDermott

    Other parts played by the cast.

    Producer/director: Bruce Young.

    160/44; 133 MB total; sound quality excellent

    Desolation Island LINK

    • Excellent - hadn't noticed this one. Thanks

    • Great!  Thank you very much.

  • Thanks.

  • Thank you.  Will listen during commute.  I am reading this book series now.  If interested, I uploaded the epubs from this series in the ebook section.

    • Yes I found them. Might give them a try since I enjoyed these dramas so much. Can you read epub books with the Kindle app?

    • No, but get Calibre change the type with it.  Kindle is a type of Mobi not Epub.  Calibre will change them for you.  -----------------  R

    • Thanks - I discovered I already have an epub reader on my mobile - works fine.

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