On Mardle Fen

Mention of Trevor Peacock in a discussion in the poetry thread (Rhyme Of The Ancient Mariner)  put me in mind of an excellent series on BBC -four seasons so far - On Mardle Fen -- link belwo


Mardle Fen is indeed an "inscrutable"place and comic perspective shift from tragedy avoided to farce -- and perspectives on the Treavor Peacock character shift as well.   If you are a Great Gildersleeve fan you might enjoy series 2 episode 1 Top Dog which involves a kind of fen version of the  snifter valve.


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  • Thank you kind sir.  I filled quite a few holes in my collection with your post.  It was welcomed with open arms and a bright smile.   You sir have made my day.  Thank You, Thank you, thank you!!!!  ---------------------------------------  Rick

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