Northanger Abbey - Jane Austen

For all you Jane Austen fans out there, a nice BBC production.

3 one hour episodes | 128/44

Catherine explores the high culture of Bath, where she meets two rival suitors.

Episode 1 of 3
Young, naive Catherine Morland is launched into the intriguing world of Bath society. Stars Julia McKenzie and Jenny Agutter.

Episode 2 of 3
At the Tilneys' isolated gothic home, Catherine's visit proves to be a terrifying affair. Stars Amanda Root and Emily Wachter.

Episode 3 of 3
Suspicious of tyrannical General Tilney, Catherine is determined to discover Northanger Abbey's secrets. Stars John Shrapnel.


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  • Thank you for the Jane Austen which will be a  buffer for the fine adventure tales you have shared  :-)

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