Mrs Robinson's Disgrace by Kate Summerscale

By Kate Summerscale, based on a true story, abridged by Katrin Williams.

"The judges were presented with a singular case on Monday 14 June, a month after they had heard their first divorce suit. Henry Oliver Robinson, a civil engineer, was petitioning for the dissolution of his marriage on the grounds that his wife, Isabella, had committed adultery, and he submitted as evidence a diary in her hand."

These bare facts - the angry husband and the incriminating words - are, in the author's hands, shaped to tell a riveting story, that says much about the individuals involved and the social world they moved in...

One day Isabella Robinson makes the acquaintance of Mr Robert Lane and this inspires the writing of a diary which, when unearthed, will have astounding consequences for both parties...

Isabella cements her friendship with Edward Lane, but in her diary their time together is recounted in more passionate detail. What to believe?

 Isabella continues to see Edward Lane, but her feelings do not appear to be reciprocated. However, an alternative source of romance remains in the form of Eugene Le Petit.

 High drama, as the diaries of Mrs Isabella Robinson are discovered and taken away. By no less a person than her opportunistic husband...

 The revealing of Isabella's diaries has caused much ado, and forced what will be an unforgettable trial in a sweltering summer in London.


Read by Emma Fielding.

Produced by Duncan Minshull


5 files. Total size 63MB. Length 67 minutes, Bitrate 128kbps!ArrWZcg2lV80hkKCgBQjNnj1J7OA


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  • Thanks, William!

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