Moonshine by Shirley Gee

Set in 1930s London, Harriet must battle Ada, the new nanny, for the love of her young daughter.

ADA: When it comes to whose child, Flora might decide. Who she cleaves to. Whose bed she chooses in the middle of the night. Who she loves.

HARRIET: Don't be ludicrous. She's my daughter, my flesh and blood. She belongs to me.

ADA: Flesh and blood is one thing. But belongs. Slippers, candlesticks, necklaces, they belong. Ask her who she chooses. Go on, wake her, ask her. We're all people, aren't we? All human beings. Not mistress and servant, you said. Let her choose.

Starring Rosemary Leach and Carole Boyd.

Special music by Roger Limb, BBC Radiophonic Workshop

Produced & Directed by David Spenser

(For her performance as Ada Molesbridge, Rosemary Leach won the 1977 Imperial Tobacco Award for the Best Actress)

First aired in 1977.


Size 78MB, Length 86 minutes, bitrate 128kbps!ArrWZcg2lV80hli6fZC_hxgjeU8y


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  • Thanks, William....story for tonight!!!

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