Miracle At Devil's Bluff By William Poulson

Miracle At Devil's Bluff
By William Poulson
SNT 24.10.1987
Robert Beatty/Richard le Parmentier/Bill Bailey


A  man who owns a mine in the western US calls a NY ad executive because he wants to start a Western Theme Park. The mine is closing and he feels he owes the community something.  The ad man visits and says that the theme park would not work unless the Mine owner has a lot more money than he does have, but if the man will give him $250,000 every Thanksgiving at dinner he has an idea but will not tell him what it is.  They agree and the mine owner sets off to build a few things the ad man asks for.  
  A few months later a man and his amputee wife are staying in town and a reporter are talking in the local diner.  The man tells the reporter that his wife has been having a recurring dream that she was visited by Angels and that the Angel told his wife that if she went swimming in this poll of water at the bottom of a sheer Bluff that she would have her missing leg restored and if I tell you any more I would spoil it for you.

Miracle At Devil's Bluff LINK

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  • Thanks Rick, I like Angels and Miracles. I know this will be a great story...............Elaine

  • This sounds like it might be kind of nice...Thanks !

  • Thank you.

    • All y'all welcome.  --------------------------  Rick

  • Thank you, Rick!

  • Thank You!

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