Memoirs of a Midget by Walter de la Mare


By Walter de la Mare, dramatised in three-parts by Stephen Wyatt.

A haunting story of love, intrigue and obsession.

1: Miss M

The diminutive Miss M struggles to find her place in Victorian society.

2: Mr Anon

Miss M, already trapped by smart London society, finds herself torn between the demands of her obsessive young suitor and the 'evil' Fanny Bowater.

3: The Circus

Miss M's determination to be free leads her into the world of the circus and danger.



Miss M .... Emma Fielding

Sir Walter Pollacke .... John Church

Pollie .... Melanie Hudson

Young Miss M .... Sian Jenkins

Adam Waggett .... Matthew Morgan

Gypsy Woman .... Susan Brown

Mrs Bowater .... Jill Graham

Bates .... John Baddeley

Fanny Bowater .... Sylvestra le Touzel

Dr Phelps .... John Webb

Young Man/ Captain Valentine.... David Holt

Harold Crimble .... Keith Drinkel

Lady Pollacke .... Maureen O'Brien

Mrs Crimble .... Pauline Letts

Mr Anon .... Robert Glenister

Mrs Monnerie .... Anna Massey

Flemming .... Sandra James Young

Susan Monnerie .... Federay Holmes     

Percy Maudlen .... Charles Simpson

Showman .... John Junkin


Director: Martin Jenkins

First published in 1921.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in March 1993

Each file 52Mb, 57 minutes, bitrate 128kbps!ArrWZcg2lV80miWlTrgEtx52cr1M?e=Aw3ZWR

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  •  On my second respect for de la Mere has increased immensely. My respect for BBCr4 knows no bounds. My thanks for posting this William, cheers.

  • Thanks, Willliam!!

  • Thanks

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