Marcy Kahan

A new (to me) BBC mystery by Marcy Kahan was posted recently in the mystery group.  Anson Roberts peovided a chorus of praise referencing Kahan's Noel Coward mysteries. @  you can find a plethora of  Marcy Kahan works including Victorville - the best drama every written about Orson Welles & Citizen Kane   -- asa well as radio adaptations of some 19th Century "Children's" classics. 

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  • Will the Marcy Kahan collection which was on mediafire be available again?  It was wonderful!

    • I have some of them Gayle in case Reuben doesn't answer.  He hasn't been around in a while.  I have the Noel Coward Murder Mysteries.  It also might help you find them if you asked Anson.  ----------  R

    • Thank you so much, Rick.  That was going to be my next move--to ask Anson.  I do have the wonderful Noel Coward mysteries.  So nice of you to respond!!

    • Hi Gayle:

      I'm on the road until Thursday, but I'll post my complete Kahan by Friday.

      BTW - the only person who calls me "Anson" is my wife and only when she's REALLY mad. :>)


    • hee hee.  Won't make that mistake again, Bob, because if there is one thing I am not, it's mad at you!!   Thank you so much!!

    • I only said Anson because your account is listed that way with (Bob) in parentheses. LOL!  ----------------------  R

    • Another example of the innocent party taking the heat.  LOL

    • I'm not innocent.  I called him Anson first!  LOL  ---------------  R

  • Brilliant Reuben - that's a great collection and I'm delighted to have got it! Cheers! 

    • Y V W always  ^ _ ^

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