I Claudius - BBC Classic Serial

Here's a real classic for you.

6 Episodes 60 minutes | 128/44 | 28 Nov 2010 | LINK

Dramatisation by Robin Brooks of Robert Graves' scandalous histories of Roman political vice.

Specially composed music by David Pickvance.
Directed by Jonquil Panting.

Augustus: Episode 1 of 6

Young Claudius grows up in the turbulent household of Augustus, the first Roman Emperor, and Livia, the wife who matched his achievements with her ambition. The Imperial Couple disregard their young grandson as they inch towards absolute power. But that won't save Claudius from heartbreak.

Claudius ..... Tom Goodman-Hill
Augustus ..... Derek Jacobi
Livia ..... Harriet Walter
Tiberius ..... Tim McInnerny
Julia ..... Alison Pettitt
Athenodorus ..... Sam Dale
Cato ..... Jude Akuwudike
Thrasyllus ..... Sean Baker
Young Claudius ..... Harvey Allpress
Young Herod ..... Felix Zadek-Ewing
Young Germanicus ..... Harry Child
Camilla ..... Lauren Mote
Young Postumus ..... Ryan Watson
Young Livilla ..... Holly Gibbs
Other parts played by Adeel Akhtar, Tony Bell, Christine Kavanagh, and Sally Orrock.

Tiberius: Episode 2 of 6

Growing up amid the intrigues of the Imperial family, Claudius learns his grandmother Livia's true ambition - and finds himself and his brother Germanicus in danger.

Claudius ..... Tom Goodman-Hill
Augustus ..... Derek Jacobi
Livia ..... Harriet Walter
Tiberius ..... Tim McInnerny
Pollio ..... Trevor Peacock
Germanicus ..... Joseph Kloska
Agrippina ..... Hattie Morahan
Sejanus ..... Sam Dale
Herod Agrippa ..... Zubin Varla
Postumus ..... Henry Devas
Livilla ..... Leah Brotherhead
Cassius Chaerea ..... Jude Akuwudike
Pomponius ..... Sean Baker
Antonia ..... Christine Kavanagh
Castor ..... Iain Batchelor
Piso ..... Tony Bell
Pallas ..... Lloyd Thomas
Young Caligula ..... James Warner

Sejanus: Episode 3 of 6

As he struggles to keep his throne, the Emperor Tiberius finds his Commander of the Guard, Sejanus, an invaluable aide against treason. And Sejanus finds Claudius an unwilling collaborator in his rise to power.

Claudius ..... Tom Goodman-Hill
Tiberius ..... Tim McInnerny
Livia ..... Harriet Walter
Caligula ..... Samuel Barnett
Sejanus ..... Sam Dale
Agrippina ..... Hattie Morahan
Antonia ..... Christine Kavanagh
Livilla ..... Leah Brotherhead
Pallas ..... Lloyd Thomas
The Fisherman ..... Adeel Akhtar
Macro ..... Tony Bell
Calpurnia ..... Sally Orrock
Plautius ..... Jude Akuwudike
Cremutius ..... Sean Baker
Officer ..... Iain Batchelor
Senator ..... Henry Devas
Plancina ..... Claire Harry
Aelia ..... Deeivya Meir
Pallas ..... Lloyd Thomas

Caligula: Episode 4 of 6

When the Emperor Tiberius dies, the young and popular Caligula succeeds his Uncle. Claudius will be the first to learn his secret.

Claudius ..... Tom Goodman-Hill
Tiberius ..... Tim McInnerny
Caligula ..... Samuel Barnett
Herod Agrippa ..... Zubin Varla
Antonia ..... Christine Kavanagh
Calpurnia ..... Sally Orrock
Drusilla ..... Deeivya Meir
Macro ..... Tony Bell
Agrippinilla ..... Claire Harry
Thrasyllus ..... Sean Baker
Doctor ..... Adeel Akhtar
Gaoler ..... Iain Batchelor
Senator ..... Lloyd Thomas

Claudius: Episode 5 of 6

How the Sibyl's prophecy came true, for the most unwilling Emperor of them all.

Claudius ..... Tom Goodman-Hill
Caligula ..... Samuel Barnett
Herod Agrippa ..... Zubin Varla
Messalina ..... Jessica Raine
Calpurnia ..... Sally Orrock
Cassius Chaerea ..... Jude Akuwudike
Gratus ..... Sam Dale
Cornelius ..... Iain Batchelor
Bassus ..... Lloyd Thomas
Asiaticus ..... Sean Baker
Lupus ..... Henry Devas
Sentius ..... Tony Bell
The Executioner ..... Adeel Akhtar

Messalina: Episode 6 of 6

The ageing Emperor Claudius works to restore the Republic. But his beautiful young wife Messalina has other plans.

Claudius ..... Tom Goodman-Hill
Messalina ..... Jessica Raine
Narcissus ..... Robin Soans
Calpurnia ..... Sally Orrock
Burrhus ..... Jude Akuwudike
Britannicus ..... Ryan Watson
Euodus ..... Adeel Akhtar
Asiaticus ..... Sean Baker
Frontinus ..... Tony Bell
Tacitus ..... Sam Dale
Callistus ..... Henry Devas
Agrippinilla ..... Claire Harry
Soldier ..... Iain Batchelor

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  • I Claudius is such a great work concerning this period.  Thank you, Star Eater, for bringing us this presentation.

  • Thanks!

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