Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk

Contains language that some people may find offensive

By Chuck Palahniuk, dramatised by Tracey Malone and Ed Whitmore.

First there was the insomnia.
Then there were the support groups that helped him sleep.
Then Marla Singer turned up, muscled in on ascending bowel cancer and ruined everything.
Then he met Tyler Durden.
Then came Fight Club.

Mild mannered product-recall-specialist by day, tortured insomniac by night, Fight Club is the psychological story of one man's descent into an underground world of violence. Together with Tyler Durden - part-time projectionist, banquet waiter, soap-maker and anarchic genius - he creates Fight Club. In Fight Club our narrator, and men like him, can escape the monotony of their daily work-dominated, consumer-driven, image-obsessed lives. In Fight Club you can escape who the world thinks you ought to be.

Soon there are fight clubs in basement bars in towns and cities across the country; men with cuts, bruises, stitches, missing teeth wherever you look, and Tyler Durden has become an urban legend. But when Tyler invents Project Mayhem and things begin to escalate, there's only one thing to do: shut down Fight Club.

But have they created a monster they can't control?


The Narrator.........Patrick Kennedy

Tyler Durden.........Sam Hazeldine

Marla Singer.........Elaine Cassidy

Big Bob.........Martin T Sherman

Doctor/Boss.........Nigel Whitmey

Recruit One.........Danny Mahoney

Mechanic.........John Schwab

Ted.........Sam Dale

Glenda.........Jane Slavin

Chloe.........Ayesha Antoine


Produced by Heather Larmour

Size 52MB. Length 57 Minutes. Bitrate 128kbps


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  • Oh, THAT is interesting! Thank you very much for sharing!!!

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