Eric Williams -The Wooden Horse

BBC R4 - Eric Williams' 'The Wooden Horse'
Adapted by Mark Power
Directed by Adrian Bean
Broadcast in six parts September 16 to October 21, 1992
Coded mono from tape at 128/44.1

One of the best known WWII PoW escape stories. Three men, Michael Codnor, Eric Williams and Oliver Philpot made it back to Britain via the Baltic and Sweden after escaping from Stalag Luft III.

Stalag Luft III was designed to be escape proof. Forty or more tunnels were discovered under construction before this one succeeded.

The tunnel's start point was concealed at a position in view of the camp guards. It was opened only when a vaulting horse was placed over it. The vaulting horse was carried to and from the concealed worksite each day. Inside the horse were the tunnelers, and, after a day's work, tunnel cuttings.

While the miners dug, other POWs used the vaulting horse for its original purpose - physical exercise.

Alex Jennings
David Lumsden
Keith Drinkel
David Holt
Brett Usher
William Brand
Peter Gunn
Lloyd Johnston
John Church
John Webb
Timothy Carlton
Cyrial Jenkins

BBC R4 - The Wooden Horse 1 of 6

BBC R4 - The Wooden Horse 2 of 6

BBC R4 - The Wooden Horse 3 of 6

BBC R4 - The Wooden Horse 4 of 6

BBC R4 - The Wooden Horse 5 of 6

BBC R4 - The Wooden Horse 6 of 6

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  • Another lost gem from "spafon7e" who has been a stalwart source of great BBC material for at least 15 years!

    Thanks to you for posting it and to spafon7e for encoding it.

    (The "coded from tape": in the description is his trademark)

    • Your welcome, I ran across an old hard drive I had some storage on and there is a lot of files there from years ago I collected. A lot of them say sp7. Just been posting some of the content at random when have time. I have not listen to this one yet, but is on my short list.

    • This should be on your VERY short list.  :>)

      I'd be interested in other "sp7" files you have. perhaps you could post a text file list of the names?  He and Peter used to exchange files, going as far back as the pre-torrent days. I'm always on the lookout for additional gems or upgrades to my library.



  • Thank you, Robert!

  • Thank you!

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