Danger by Richard Hughes

Radio 4 Extra celebrates the centenary of the BBC’s first ever original radio drama. Written by Richard Hughes, ‘Danger’ or ‘The Mine Play’ is regarded as the BBC’s first ever radio drama. First broadcast live in January 1924, the radio audience was invited to listen in the dark for maximum effect This version was recorded to mark the play's 50th anniversary.

The writer’s brief was to create, in sound, a drama to match the experience of cinema-goers viewing silent movies. With one of the key senses removed, atmosphere was the watchword. Sound effects were very much in their infancy and sometimes controlled – literally – by closing the door to the room where they were being generated to isolate them from the single microphone in the studio.

In the drama, a young couple and an older man find themselves trapped in a lightless, flooding mine. The growing peril prompts thoughts about life, death and the value of age. Is this the end for them?


Jack:.....Christopher Good

Mary:.....Carol Marsh

Mr Box:.....Carleton Hobbs


The Welsh Miners are played by John Atterbury, Henry Davies, Richard Parry, John Rebs and Eilian Wyn.

Producer: Raymond Raikes

First broadcast on BBC Radio 3 in 1973.

Size 16Mb. Length 18 minutes. Bitrate 28kbps




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  • Thanks, William.  Very interesting background.  

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