Burning Desires by Colin Bytheway

Between 1914 and 1918, Parisian Henri Désiré Landru proposed to ten women. Always the same method, always the same hideous outcome: The lonely hearts advertisement, the courtship, the proposal, the opening of a joint bank account. Then a trip to his country house. He always bought a return ticket for himself, but never his companions. As they were not returning. They were murdered, dismembered and burned in his kitchen stove. This is his story. Sort of...


Henri-Desire Landru .........David Jason

Marie .........Martine McCutcheon

Jean .........Tom Ellis

Frenande ..........Sophie Thompson

Catherine .........Lesley Nicol

Celestine .........Rachel Atkins


Directed by Celia de Wolff

Size 20MB. Length 44 Minutes. Bitrate 64kbps.


Anson (Bob) Roberts has uploaded a better encode in the Classic & Contemporary Drama uploads folder here on TP

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  • Thanks!

  • Uploaded a better encode (128/44) to the Classic Drama section here on TP


  • I am very curious.  I think I'll be listening to this during daylight hours. Thanks much, William!

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