Blackballed By Chris Thompson

By Chris Thompson
SNT 23rd April 1994
A northern county cricket team are keen for success, but are some memebers too set in their ways - or prejudiced - to accept their young captain's formula for achieving it?

With Dale Rapley [Mike Ramsden], Stephen Thorne [Ken Douglas], Malcolm Hebden [Club Chairman], Ann Rye [Marjorie] and Kathryn Hunt [Kate], Tariq Alibai [Wasim], Russell Dixon [Donald Gladwin] and Robin Polley [Ernie].

Produced in Manchester by Tony Cliff.

160/44; 82.8 MB; sound quality good
The opening 10 seconds and 47.20-47.21 were patched from a noisier source

Thanks to Sad Sack

Blackballed LINK

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  • Thanks for another SNT.

    • You are most Welcome.  ---------------  Rick

  • Thanks.....!

  • Thank you, sir.

    Another hole in the collection is filled!

    • Welcome you are, Yes

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