Between Two Worlds - BBC Drama on 3

24 Jul 2011 | 90 minutes | 128/44

Sir Oliver Lodge is a strange and forgotten figure from the Edwardian era: an Establishment scientist, the unacknowledged inventor of the wireless before Marconi, a dabbler in psychic phenomena, the friend of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Albert Einstein. He was also a tragic figure: destined to spend his life searching desperately for a way to communicate, using seances, with his son, Raymond, killed on the Western Front in 1915. Sir Oliver believed he had cracked the thin veil that separates two worlds.

Many of those seances were transcribed and form the heart of this drama written by Adrian Bean and David Hendy. Owen Teale plays Sir Oliver Lodge, Amanda Root plays his wife Mary Lodge.

Sir Oliver Lodge ..... Owen Teale
Mary Lodge ..... Amanda Root
Raymond Lodge ..... Sandy Grierson
Honor Lodge ..... Madeleine Worrall
Alec Lodge ..... Jim Webster-Stewart
Mrs Kennedy, Lawrence, Piper ..... Caroline Strong
Mrs Leonard and 'FEDA' ..... Madeleine Brolly
Myers, Padre and other parts ..... Crawford Logan

Producer: Matt Thompson.


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  • For one brief, glorious moment, I thought this was a full BBC adaptation of "Between Two Worlds", the old movie with John Garfield onboard a mysterious, slow ship.  The passengers come to realize things are not what they seem.  Edmund Gwenn is the purser (and not Kris Kringle at all, not a bit).

    I'm not sure this slim tale could support revival, but I remember watching it every afternoon for a week on Million Dollar Movie.   Now, I could probably find it in two minutes on YouTube or EBay, but I don't think I will.  The memory is more precious than the reality.

  • Yea !  Looks great - thanks !

  • Drama on 3 is serious stuff and can be a bit hard going at times,   but usually worth it in the end. 

  • Thanks for introducing me to yet another radio drama I missed.

    I look forward to listening to it this weekend.

  • Thanks for this and for your very cool profile update!!

  • Thanks!  I have a really crappy 64K encode of this.

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