0 Audio Gothic Plays-Roger Gregg-Radio Ireland Posted by Gretchen on March 21, 2010 at 5:15pm Roger Gregg wrote the following plays under the title: Audio Gothic Plays for Radio Ireland! I enjoyed them so I thought I would share with the nice folks on this forum. Enjoy! Play 11-01 Seany Boy.mp3 You need to be a member of Times Past to add comments! Join Times Past Email me when people reply – Follow
Thank You very much-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rick
When I download or play this file it comes in at only 5 minutes!
Anyone else having this problem?
Edward, it might be that the download was corrupted. Try again and see what happens.
Cheers, katy
1-02 Brad's Book of Lies.mp3
1-03 Mary Maguire Surrounded by Loved Ones.mp3
2-04 Marsyas - The Hippest Satyr.mp3
2-05 Marinette 1.1..mp3