After the Fine Weather by Michael Gilbert

By Michael Gilbert


The headstrong young student Laura Hart is visiting her brother Charles, British vice-consul of Lienz in the Tyrol, when she sees something she shouldn't.

There has been increasing tension between the Italian locals and the Austrians who control the region, and it looks as through Hofrat Humbold, the leader of the government in Lienz, might be   influencing tempers by arranging for certain unpleasant confrontations in back alleys.

When Laura mentions the things she has witnessed, she suddenly becomes both important and unwelcome. Speculations abound whether Humbold will allow the pretty and foolish English girl to stand in the way of the nastiest Nazi move since the war.


Starring: Prunella Scales/Philip Leaver/Malcolm Hayes.


Saturday Night Theatre 16th November 1963?

Thanks to OTR

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