A Sense Of Touch By E.L. Summers

A Sense Of Touch
By E.L. Summers
SNT 8.11.1980
Rupert Frazer/Lolly Cockerell

64K - With 2 recordings, one as recorded and one with EQ applied etc.
You decide which one is better.

A new minister comes to an island with 200 inhabitants.  There is some flurry of activity to move something out of the parsonage quickly when the Pastor arrives a day early.  This entwined with the meeting of a girl and some other very interesting island inhabitants.  All in all it resolves around the title, A Sense of Touch and some very intriguing moral dilemmas.

A Sense Of Touch LINK

A Sense Of Touch EQ, etc LINK


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  • Many thanks for this Rick.

    The scene set in the Post Office brought back memories.

    Back in 1971 I was working for a bank here in England & I remember the change to decimal currency.

    It got me to thinking about how much it cost to post a letter then and now.

    The 5d (pence) then  would roughly equal 2 new pence now. (now called pence)

    So the cost of postage has gone up 30 times since 1968.

    I wonder how this compares to the USA and elsewhere.

    To be honest with you I can't remember the last time I posted a letter.




    • I haven't sent a letter either here in the states.  I do know that I sent a disk in a case in one of those  bubble envelopes and it cost over $15 to get it there in 2 days to a place that is 4 hours driving away.

  • Thank You!

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