A Question of Attribution by Alan Bennett

In 1956, Sir Anthony Blunt, pillar of the Establishment and respected Knight of the Realm, is working as Surveyor of the Queen's Pictures. Perfectly at home in the corridors of Buckingham Palace, he frequently encounters Her Majesty as he works on her paintings and has a special fondness for one particular Titian.

However, there is one small problem: the painting, like Blunt himself, is a fake. Is the queen aware that her enigmatic servant might also be other than he seems?



Anthony Blunt.......Edward Petherbridge

QEII.......Prunella Scales

Restorer.......Robert Pickavance

Chubb.......Nicky Henson

Philips.......Dan Stevens

Colin.......Harry Myers


Produced by Susan Roberts

Size 28MB. Length 1 hour. Bitrate 64kbps.



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