1984 by George Orwell

Winston Smith is a low-ranking member of the ruling Party in London, in the nation of Oceania. Everywhere Winston goes, even his own home, the Party watches him through telescreens; everywhere he looks he sees the face of the Party’s seemingly omniscient leader, a figure known only as Big Brother. The Party controls everything in Oceania, even the people’s history and language. Currently, the Party is forcing the implementation of an invented language called Newspeak, which attempts to prevent political rebellion by eliminating all words related to it. Even thinking rebellious thoughts is illegal. Such thoughtcrime is, in fact, the worst of all crimes.

Winston Smith is about to commit thoughtcrime.



Winston Smith.....Patrick Troughton

Julia Brown.....Sylvia Syms

O`Brien.....John Collins

Goldstein.....Cyril Shaps

Charrington.....Hector Ross

The Old Man.....Norman Wynne

Syme.....Allan McClelland

TV Announcer.....Michael Maclean

Parsons.....John Judd

Mrs Parsons.....Cecile Chevreau

Gwenda.....Mary Wimbush

Ampleforth.....Gordon Faith

The Children.....Elizabeth Proud and Brien Hewlett

Adapted for broadcasting by Eric Ewens


Recorded Production by John Gibson



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  • Excellent - thank you!

  • Thanks for this upload, added to the collection. Thanks too, to Bob, for the year


  • A bit more info:

    This is a BBC Sunday Play from 1965 and is encoded at 64/22 mono.

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